The FoodTalk Show
How to smoke meat and how to freeze booze

How to smoke meat and how to freeze booze

Duration: 1 hour
  • Andrew Wickham - Weald Smokery
  • Noah Geeves and Harry Stimpson - Lic
  • Helena Hills - Truestart Coffee

Listen live here every Thursday at 4pm and again on Monday at midday.


Sue Nelson is back to normal after last week's post-holiday show and Paul Andrews is certain that Sue has deliberately booked even more booze on the show.

After a bit of music by Squeeze, Paul and Sue talk to phone guest Helena Hills of the innovative Truestart Coffee, which is coffee for athletes and the only natural caffeine source that has a measured amount per cup. Plus we all learn that caffeine is the most researched legal performance enhancement drug- who knew?!
Andrew Wickham of Weald Smokery who talks about the long term effects of smoking food, which venison is best for smoking and how to achieve fine flavours with strong meats. Paul Andrews declares his preference for smoked foods over the usual cold cuts and Sue finds out more about the difference between cold and hot smoking.
Finally, Noah Geeves and Harry Stimpson drive their specialised Lic van to the studio just so Sue and the Breakthrough Funding team get to have some 10% proof adult ice lollies on a sunny afternoon. We also discover the difficult process these two young men went through to learn how to successfully freeze alcohol to make delicious frozen cocktails. All inspired by Harry's mum. Fabulous.

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