The FoodTalk Show
Water from Mountains and hot hot hot chilli sauce

Water from Mountains and hot hot hot chilli sauce

Duration: 1 hour
  • Dominic Winter, Carrington Foods
  • Anna Scopets, Tree Vitalise
  • David Nelson, barbecue expert

How to buy the perfect chilli sauce:

Dominic Winter started making vegetarian food to sell at food festivals but all his customers were ever interested in, was the chillichup he made to go with it. Well, you can't beat the weight of public opinion and so that's all he does now - make the most wonderful tomatoey chilli sauce. Paul Andrews loved the whole range. Sue Nelson could barely breathe after tasting the hottest. We also tried some other supermarket chilli sauces but they just didn't have the depth of flavour. 

We hate Heston - lamb kofte:

David Nelson makes lamb kofte kebabs using minced lamb, herbs, spices and pistachio nuts. Wrap them in a tortilla along with dome sour cream and chilli sauce. Perfect under the grill or on a barbecue they can be made the day before and kept in the fridge until you're ready to eat. 

Innovation spotlight - birch water:

We'd never heard of birch water until Anna Scopets of Tree Vitalise popped along to see us and let us taste this traditional drink. Undiluted, naturally delicious and organic, it's birch sap tapped straight from the tree. Anna explained its history and how she produces it from trees in the Carpathian Mountains, an ecologically clean area of great natural beauty known as the 'green pearl' of Eastern Europe. A big favourite with Paul Andrews as he doesn't drink alcohol.

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