The FoodTalk Show
English sparkling wine - a family affair

English sparkling wine - a family affair

Duration: 29 minutes
  • Jackie Wilks | Terlingham Vineyard
  • Laura Rhys | Gusbourne
  • Karen Kearns | Wayfarer Wines

A packed studio today with 3 guests from Kent vineyards. It’s an all female line-up from Terlingham Vineyard, Gusbourne and Wayfarer Wines. Jane explains how you should open a bottle of fizz and what glass you should use for serving – flutes are out apparently. Meanwhile Sue is very unkind about French champagne.

We learn about the traditional method for making sparkling wine which is completely different from Prosecco, hence the price difference. Finally, everyone agrees we need a new moniker for English sparkling wine, a one word term that encapsulates this wonderful product - answers on a postcard if anyone has any good ideas.

After all that tasting Sue is a bit flushed but Jane doggedly decides to finish off her numerous tasting glasses before she catches the train home.

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