NonSuch Shrubs

The eighth generation vinegar maker that has turned to shrubs

Henry Chevallier Guild, is and eighth generation cyder and vinegar maker at Aspall. He re-launched the Aspall vinegar and cyder brands and grew them to national and international renown. Passionate and obsessive about making and sharing great tasting drinks, it was his time in the great vinegar barn at Aspall that triggered an enduring fascination about this most ancient and magical of liquids. A desire to moderate his alcohol consumption brought him into the orbit of shrubs.

Their unique characteristics, timelessness and ability to form the basis of genuinely interesting alcohol free drinks making periods of temperance no longer a sufferance. And when not abstaining – joy of joys – Henry found how shrubs can also turn their hand to being mixed extremely well with alcohol. Visit their website here and listen again to Henry talking about his passion for this age old technique. 

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